Understanding Different Order Status' As A Buyer
There are three different types of status' that are import to know more about as a buyer: Payment, Shipment, and Status. We will be going over these in this article.
a) Awaiting Payment - Once an auction is awarded it goes into this status and is awaiting payment from the buyer.
b) Overdue - Payments are requested within three days of being awarded. If payment isn't received then the status changes from "Awaiting Payment" to "Overdue".
c) Processing - You will see this status as the system is processing the payment for a paid order.
d) Partially Paid - When a customer partially pays for an order and is awaiting a balance to pay the order in full.
e) Paid - This is the status once the order is completely paid.
a) N/A - You will see this status if the order payment isn't completed.
b) Awaiting Shipment - When an order is just paid it is ready to have a BOL scheduled for pickup or to have it consolidated.
c) Label Missing - After the order is consolidated or the order has been sitting for a couple days without a BOL then it will change to this status.
d) Label uploaded - This shows that a customer has uploaded shipping label or BOL.
e) Pickup Late - When the BOL is uploaded but the carrier hasn't picked up the shipment or the seller hasn't uploaded the signed BOL.
f) Picked Up - The seller will upload the signed BOL or Shipping Labels to confirm that the carrier has picked up the shipment.
g) Delivered - Once the carrier has delivered the buyer will confirm that it was delivered.
h) Voided - The individual order was either cancelled or there was a request to consolidate the order with other lots.
a) Open - This will stay as an "Open" status during the process if the transaction was opened as long as the payment and shipping label is uploaded on time.
b) Action required - If the order has an overdue payment, label missing, or the pickup is late it will show that there is an action required.
c) Consolidated - This status means that the order is combined with other orders to generate a new order with all the different auctions on one order.
d) Completed - Once the buyer receives the shipment they will go into their order and confirm the shipment is received.