The Ultimate Q&A For New Sellers On Our Platform
Getting started on a new platform can be overwhelming, and it's natural to have questions about how to get started and what to expect. As a seller, you want to make sure you're making the most of the platform and maximizing your opportunities for success. To help you get started, we've put together a list of some of the most common questions and answers that other sellers have asked. Whether you're a seasoned seller or new to the platform, we hope these Q&A will be helpful in navigating the ins and outs of selling on our platform. You can review them below:
Q: Is there a good recommendation to the quantity of units you recommend to list in each auction?
A: The quantity of units to list in each auction largely depends on the type of material you are selling and the preferences of potential buyers. For example, if you are selling a variety of units, we recommend listing 25 or more to give buyers the flexibility to choose and combine multiple lots onto one pallet. However, if you have a larger lot that fills up an entire pallet, it may be more cost-effective for customers to pick up sooner rather than waiting for multiple auctions to fill up a pallet. Ultimately, the decision of how many units to list in each auction should be based on the needs of your customers and your own business goals.
Q: Is there a max quantity of units that can be posted per auction?
A: There isn't a max quantity of units that you can have per auction. There are some buyers on the platform that have expressed interest in the larger lots. Some auctions have sold with quantities over 600.
Q: Are there specific times of day that are better than others to end auctions for domestic and international buyers?
A: When it comes to ending auctions, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Firstly, if your auction doesn't meet the reserve, you have four hours to approve the auction or it will automatically be closed. Therefore, it's important to schedule the end time of your auction at a time when you are available to review the auctions. Some sellers have reported success with ending listings between 9:00-11:00 am PST, but this may not necessarily be the best time for everyone. It ultimately depends on your personal schedule and availability. Finding the right combination of both factors that works for you will help ensure a successful auction.
Q: I noticed that a lot of the listings are of the same generation of laptops or CPU's can you do mixed lots?
A: There are some customers that buy mixed varieties of units in the same auction and there are others are buyers that specialize in purchasing specific models. Below is a list from most successful auction to least successful:
Option 1) Lot of 100 Dell Latitude 7470 i5 6th Gen -- The most buyers will participate depending on the starting price. The buyers that bid on this lot will be able to resell and willing to bid a little more than a mixed lot.
Option 2) Lot of 100 mixed Dell Latitudes 4th Gen to 7th Gen -- Though you will still have a lot of bidders some buyers may not have connections to sell the lower gen models. You should still be able to get a good value if you have quantities of each of the models.
Option 3) Lot of 100 mixed Dell and HP 4th -7th Gen -- There are some customers that like Dells and others that like HP laptops, but there are less that like both. They either like one or the other.
Option 4) Lot of 100 mixed laptops mixed gen -- These will still sell depending on the starting price, however there are less buyers that are willing to purchase mixed lots with a large variety because they are more difficult to resell.
Q: When do we receive the payment from the auction sale?
A: Once a customer pays for the auction the payment goes into a holding account. When the order is shipped, as a seller, you are requested to upload photos of the shipment and a signed BOL. Then your payment will be released once the upload has been verified. This is normally within 72 business hours from the time the documents are uploaded.