How To Pay For Your Order: Full And Partial Payment Methods


You have 72 hours from the time that the order is awarded to you to provide payment.  If payment is not provided within 72 hours your payment status will automatically change in the system to "Overdue".  Once you are in the overdue status you risk having your orders cancelled or have your account closed due to non-payment.

Below are two different options to pay for your auctions

Option 1:

You can pay for multiple orders from a single vendor at once with one payment. To do this just follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Click on "Orders" in the top of your menu bar.

Step 2 - Use the boxes to the left of the order numbers to select which vender you would like to pay

Step 3 - Go to the top right and select "Pay Selected"

Step 4 - Choose to your payment method.

Credit / Debit Card - If you have already added a card in your settings it will appear here. If you don't have one setup you will have the opportunity to add one here. Once you have a card in the system you can select the card then scroll down and click "Pay Now".

Online Bank Payment - this is very similar to the credit and debit cards. If you have already added a bank in your settings it will appear here. If you don't have one setup you will have the opportunity to add one here. Once you have a bank in the system you can select the bank then scroll down and click "Pay Now".

Wire Transfer - this payment method is different than the card or bank payment option. If you click on the wire transfer option you will be provided with your wire details for your account. Once you have wired your money to the account you will be notified that your balance has been received. At that point you can step 1-3 again and you will notice that your "Received balance" has increased. The next step will be to click on the wire transfer option and click "Pay now" to use your balance.  

Important Information About Wires

If your bank charges fees for sending a wire please make sure that you are sending the correct amount.  For example: If the order is for a $1000 and the bank charges $35 you will need to send $1035.  If all fees aren't covered you will be required to send another payment to complete the order and may risk having your orders cancelled if they are in the "Overdue"

Option 2:

You can pay for a single order and make either a full payment or partial payments. To do this just follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Click on "Orders" in the top of your menu bar.

Step 2 - Use the boxes to the left of the order numbers to select which order that you would like to pay for.

Step 3 - Go to the top right and select "Pay Selected"

Step 4 - Choose to your payment method.

Credit / Debit Card - If you have already added a card in your settings it will appear here. If you don't have one setup you will have the opportunity to add one here. 

Online Bank Payment - this is very similar to the credit and debit cards. If you have already added a bank in your settings it will appear here. If you don't have one setup you will have the opportunity to add one here. 

Wire Transfer - this payment method is different than the card or bank payment option. If you click on the wire transfer option you will be provided with your wire details for your account. Once you have wired your money to the account you will be notified that your balance has been received. At that point you can step 1-3 again and you will notice that your "Received balance" has increased. 

Step 5 - Once you have selected your payment method you can go to the right side and click on "Pay Now". If you want to provide a partial payment you can click "Pay in full" and a small box will pop up to disable the option to pay in full so that you can enter the amount that you want to pay. Then you can click "Pay Now".  

Important About Partial Payments

Incomplete orders due to partial payments may lead to cancellations and account closure. Please use the partial payment option only when you're ready to pay in full and need different payment options.
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